If you’re selling or buying, we can draw up a contract that suits your particular requirements. We’ll arrange all of the necessary documentation and liaise with your agent in regard to auctions or purchase enquiries.
If you’re purchasing we will scour the contract to make sure that there are no hidden conditions, and negotiate to ensure a fair and suitable contract.
We can assist with Contracts of Sale for:
Residential purchases
Off the plan purchases
Strata units and apartments
Commercial property
Vacant land
Tonio Lawyers have experienced conveyancing solicitors to help with all stages of QLD property transactions:
Legal advice in regard to real estate contract law
Drafting and reviewing contracts
Sustainability Declarations, Disclosure and Warning Statements
Auction Contracts and purchases off-the-plan
Cost appraisal including stamp duty, and disbursements such as search and registration fees
Tax considerations and asset protection including capital gains tax, and sales or purchases by companies, self managed superannuation funds, family and discretionary trusts and deceased estates
Property tenancy including joint tenants and tenants in common
Vendor’s Statement, general conditions, and special conditions
The cooling off period and deposits
Commercial property including leases
Retirement Village purchases, leases and service contracts
Dispute resolution and litigation
Liaison with financial institutions in regard to deposit bonds, loans, mortgages and discharges of mortgages
Execution of contracts and settlement
Adjustments to the purchase price in regard to rates and allowances
Advice for first home buyers including the First Home Owner Grant
Preparing and registering Powers of Attorney
Advice in regard to easements and covenants on title searches
Contact us to find out more or to arrange a consultation.